So many trailers…So many trailers…
It truly is the best time to be alive if you are a geek. There is so much amazing content
It truly is the best time to be alive if you are a geek. There is so much amazing content
Umm…yes please!!!!! I am a huge fan of The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra so a show by one of the head writers
Well then…a new trilogy AND a live-action Star Wars TV show? Source: Rian Johnson Is Developing a New Trilogy of
And so the Christmas List starts! This is one of the few things I will pre-order and probably go for
You can play games on your commute. Just don’t expect much when you get home. Looks like it could be
The official title for Star Wars: Episode VIII was announced today! As others have pointed out, Jedi is both plural
This is awesome. Well done Spotify! After Obama allegedly joked that he was “still waiting for my job at Spotify…
RUMOR: WB Considering Releasing R-Rated “Batman v Superman” In Theaters – In an attempt to try to increase “BvS'”
History has shown that Star Wars fans will buy anything. Food, sheets, underwear—anything with Star Wars on it sells. Well,
Amazing….just amazing- Greg New York City is replacing busted old payphone booths with amazing free gigabit wifi hotspots in 10,000