
Thankful post thumbnail image

As we head toward Thanksgiving, I wanted to take a moment to share a few geek things I am thankful for.

I am thankful for a wife who tolerates my love of geeky things.

I am thankful to Matt Cleary who introduced me to Dragonlance in 7th grade.  While I have read other fantasy novels since these are the ones that got me started loving fantasy as a genre.  To this day, it is my go-to genre of reading.

I am thankful for the golden age of superhero movies we are in right now.

I am thankful that Star Wars is still a huge thing and my son is heading toward a perfect age to enjoy it with me.

I am thankful for amazing podcasts that bring stories to life (loving Critical Role right now…lots to work though, but I am on Episode 15…no spoilers)

I am thankful that I can stream Batman the Animated Series at any point I want.

I am thankful for the time I get to play games, even though it isn’t a lot of time.

I am thankful to have such a huge backlog of TV to watch (so much to watch…still want to watch Iron Fist, Defenders, Flash, Arrow, Stranger Things, Punisher)

I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving and get to enjoy some geeky things.


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