Arbitrary Noise 4 Favorites,Comic Books,DC Friday’s 4 Favorite- Comic Book Characters the DC Edition

Friday’s 4 Favorite- Comic Book Characters the DC Edition

Friday’s 4 Favorite- Comic Book Characters the DC Edition post thumbnail image

Greg here.  Going to try something new this week- posting!

The topic- 4 Favorite.  Everyone likes lists, right?  I don’t know how often I get stuck in a list rabbit hole….too often, but this one will be short.  So here is my list in no particular order…scratch that.  It is the order I thought of them in so it would be my top four.


1.  Batman













For me it is no question- Batman is my favorite comic book character.  Since I saw the Batman TV series as a kid (it had the BEST theme song and opening) I was hooked.  Starting in 1992, the animated series changed how I looked at the character.  Beyond defining Batman to me (Kevin Conroy will always be Batman…not Affleck…not Bale…not Keaton…or the other guys…they all brought good things to the role, but Conroy is the best) it made me appreciate cartoons in a whole new way.  The animation style, storytelling and use of music keep Batman the Animated Series in my #1 spot of best cartoons ever.

When I started reading comic books again, I got hooked on the Grant Morrison “Batgod” concept.  Early in his run of JLA, Morrison pitted the Justice League against the Hyperclan (spoiler…they aren’t what they seem) and Batman was seemingly defeated early on.  He then returned…and was Batman.


When the new 52 launched, Snyder and Capullo’s Batman was one of the titles I had to get and I still read…although I am behind.  I also love almost every version of Batman, from Batman ’66 to Batman Beyond.   The Arkham games have convinced me to upgrade to the Xbox One (check out my post on that choice) and I am greatly enjoying being the Batman.

Favorite Batman Stories


The Long Halloween

The Court of Owls (any of the Snyder/Capullo run honestly…they are the best)

A Death in the Family

Death of the Family

No Man’s Land


2.  Nightwing











So I really like Nightwing.  Dick Grayson, once the original Robin (Tim Drake’s Robin may be #5 on my list), has long blossomed as Nightwing.  While the name has its basis in Superman stories, I think it is safe to say Dick Grayson is the person most associated with it.  After being “fired” by Batman in 1984, Dick Grayson strikes out on his own as Nightwing with the Teen Titans (and the best costume…I mean…it is the best).


Favorite Nightwing Stories

Traps and Trapezes 

A Darker Shade of Justice

A Knight in Bludhaven



3.  Flash

It doesn’t matter which version of the Flash (although I’m partial to Wally “welcome back” West) I love this character. True story- Barry Allen made me want to study chemistry (original job was a police chemist or CSI) until I took chemistry in high school and realized I didn’t like it…at all (note I majored in music so science wasn’t my thing). For the longest time, Barry Allen was the example of comic book characters who died and stayed dead. Really glad they brought him back, but his death in one of the Crisis’ was something I’ll remember.

Favorite Flash Stories


Terminal Velocity

4.  Green Lantern

I’ll admit it…I like Kyle Rayner. He was the Lantern that got me hooked on GL and I loved his original story arc. When Geoff “Hope and Love” Johns brought back Hal, I thought it was great. More than any other title, Green Lantern got me back into comic books.  I loved the idea of willpower and how Johns grew the Lanterns to cover all colors.

Favorite Green Lantern Stories


Emerald Twilight

The Sinestro War


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