Like many gamers my age, it started with Nintendo. From there I went to a Super Nintendo, to a N64, to the Playstation and now have a PS3, Xbox 360 and a Wii. I do not play as much as I used to and some of that is on purpose. I would rather spend time with my kids than with my games, but sometime I really want to play a game. So here is the dilemma- my Xbox 360 is on its way out. The wireless doesn’t work, controllers are getting wonky (technical term) and there are games that I want to play that are only on next (current?) gen systems. I think I want to dive into a new system, but I am torn. Do I really need one (I know I don’t but roll with me on this)? Are there games that I want to play that are platform specific (kinda…)? When will I game?
Here are the thoughts by system
- Costs about $350 for a 500GB system
- I am not a racing game guy,but I heard that Gran Tursimo is great
- That is a lot of money for the new version of a system that I have that works (my PS3 works as a great BluRay player and occasional gaming system)
- I do love baseball and MLB:The Show is an exclusive
- I loved the Infamous games for PS3…new ones look nice
- I can play online for free, right? (anyone? Is this true?)
- Aaron has one of these…I like to game with Aaron
Xbox One
- Trading my 360 in is not worth it (about $60 for my system)
- Seriously…can it play my old games?
- I love Gears of War…
- Don’t care about Halo (stop throwing things)
- Some things I have read (like this one) make me very worried about what my experience will be
- Xbox Live Gold is $59.99 a year. That with Netflix, Apple Music and other monthly things add up.
So the question to the few of you that read this site, what system do I get? What have your experiences been?